Tuesday, November 13, 2007

First Post

This is the first MoneyJibe Blog post.

Seems like retailers are getting out the Christmas decorations earlier and earlier every year. Or is it me?

We were at our local Sears store last weekend and Christmas trees were already on display. Even after living in the Phoenix valley for several years now, it's still a bit strange to see all the Christmas displays go up when it's so nice and warm out (OK, OK, almost RECORD-SETTING HOT this year). Retailers don't appear to be waiting for Black Friday, the Friday after Thanksgiving, to offer great discounts this year (by the way, the Wikipedia article on Black Friday is an interesting read).

Keep your eyes out for money-saving deals on Cyber Monday, November 26th. For example, we got advance notice last week that Overstock.com will be discontinuing their monthly coupons early in the month on November 25th because they're having a HUGE promotion on Cyber Monday the 26th. Details will be made available as we get them on our Overstock Coupons & Promotions page.

Happy Shopping!

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