Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Protect Your Finances With Virtual Credit Card Numbers

If you shop online, one way to protect your finances is to use virtual credit card numbers.

A virtual credit card number is a one-use only number that is provide by your credit card issuer. You can use a virtual credit card number just like you would use a regular credit card number--either online, over the phone, on a paper form along with your signature, etc.

The benefit of a virtual card number is it can only be used once. After you use the number it is no longer valid, so even if someone gets ahold of the number it is worthless to them and they cannot make a purchase with it.

Credit card issues generally offer either free software downloads of software that will allow you to login and generate a virtual card number, or a web interface to do this, or both. When you create a virtual number you are provided with all the information you need to make a purchase, include the credit card number, expiration date and 3-digit CVC (Card Verification Code) number as appropriate.

The Citi MasterCard and Discover Card both offer virtual numbers, and I am sure that other credit card companies offer them as well. Check with your credit card issuers to see if they offer virtual numbers, and how to get access so you can create them for your account.

Use virtual credit card numbers to protect your finances when shopping online!

Here are some related tips on how to Protect Your Assets.



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