Thursday, April 17, 2008

How To Make Money In Stocks

Yesterday I posted an article that mentioned Investor's Business Daily. Their website is a great resource to help you spot market leaders and identify buy and sell points.

One of the first books I read on investing was written by the founder of Investor's Business Daily, William J. O'Neill, and is titled How To Make Money In Stocks: A Winning System in Good Times or Bad.

To date the book has sold over a million copies and is now in its 3rd edition. In the book, you'll find Bill's CANSLIM system outlined, with an entire chapter dedicated to each letter:

C = Current Quarterly Earnings per Share: The Higher The Better
A = Annual Earnings Increases: Look for Significant Growth
N = New Products, New Management, New Highs: Buying at the Right Time
S = Supply and Demand: Shares Outstanding Plus Big Volume Demand
L = Leader or Laggard: Which is Your Stock?
I = Institutional Sponsorship: Follow the Leaders
M = Market Direction: How to Determine It

You'll also read about the nineteen common mistakes investors make, when to sell to cut your losses, and when to sell to capture your gains. How To Make Money In Stocks contains proven techniques on how to build a profitable portfolio and should be a part of every investor's library.



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